Fifth Amphib Corps Occup of Japan Part 1 PDF bookmarks POW recovery teams 8 Arrival in Nagasaki 9 Arrivals in Sasebo 9 Units involved 10 Unsanitary conditions 10 One million repats and displaced 11 Fukuoka 3rd city seized 12 No J-resistance, only Chinese, Formosa, Korean problems 12 J-surrender did well 13 Sasebo requisition problem 13 Fukuoka mines14 Lack of DDT! 15 15 yen to dollar 15 Sasebo devastated 20 War trophies 22 Itazuke Saitozaki 39 Initial Fukuoka tasks 52 Road maintenance in Sasebo 84 Destruction in Sasebo 149 RAMP 154 Arrival in Sasebo 158 Checklist questions 168 Traffic problems 198 Photo stats 234 G-1 Periodic Reports from 9-22-45 238 POW ashes recovered 249 G-2 Report 265 G-2 intel officers in Sasebo first 278 Info pamphlets on Japan 280 Japanese cooperation 282 Photos 289 Mitsui Mitsubishi small shops, underground 297 People of all ages organized by military 298 Chinese problem 299 Korean problem 300 Repatriate totals 302 Nisei language personnel 306 Chinese labor camps 309 Atrocity perpetrators 311 A-bomb Scientific Group 313 CIC org 316 Japanese organizations 318 Schools investigated 324b Korean societies 324c Chinese labor camps 324d Chonaikai support of Shinto 326f Instrument of espionage 326f Atrocity perpetrators 326g Sakamoto of FUK-09 camp 327 J-plans for defense of Kyushu 338 Invasion costly 378 Gradual annihilation of Japanese 378 Map of suicide bases 384 J-units and CO's 387 G-2 reports on Sasebo 419 Sasebo Fortress 420 Sasebo City stats 422 Sasebo military leaders and units 424 Sasebo gun positions, AA, CD 428 Sasebo bombs, suicide boats 429 Sasebo Hario barracks 434 Shinwa Bank, freedom to talk 436 POW camp in Emukae, Sasebo area 436 Dirty homes? 437 POW camps in Nagasaki 437 Omura AB, Hakata 12th Air Flotilla 439 Ainoura Naval barracks equipment 441 Mitsubishi tunnel shop, Nagasaki 442 Tokoka and Seinendan 443 Burn and Do Not Burn orders 444 J-newspapers and US doctors 444 210 suicide boats, Kawatana 445 Camp #2 and civilian camp 448 FUK-02 camp and civilian camp 449 Sasebo impressed by US mechanical power 449 CD batteries in Funatsu and Uki 450 Koryu sub 453 90 planes built in Sasebo 453 Sasebo chonaikai and tonarigumi 453 Newspapers on Kyushu 454 Sasebo underground fortress 458 Fukuoka intell targets 458 Sasebo Towa Middle School, military training 459 Kyushu Army units 462 Detention camp in Dazaifu 467 Fukuoka Imperial Reserve Assoc. 473 Maps used for paper, ceilings! 473 J-troop strength table 476 Weapons storage at schools 482 Sasebo Kokuryukai gangsters, etc. 483 Re photograph of MacArthur with Emperor 484 Weapons in Nagasaki schools 484 Training of teenagers in Shimabara 488 Haughty soldiers returning from China 489 Fukuoka ammo dumps 490 Sasebo underground power plant 491 Kokumin Gigutai 494 Sasebo Hiu Dump 496 Sasebo caves 497 Mitsubishi companies, Nagasaki 498 Mitsubishi tunnel machine shop 498 Schools and students utilized by Mitsubishi, Nagasaki 499 Gannosu Airfield 500 Fukuoka companies 500 Fukuoka Showa Tekko grenades 500 Chinese camps near Iizuka 501 Sasebo Hatten and Nekoyama batteries 504 Sasebo caves ammo 507 Kashii ammo dump 508 Ashiya Airfield, ammo dump, new weapon 509 Saitozaki 509 Haiki storage depot 510 Tokumu Kikan not in Sasebo, only overseas 511 Most important org in Sasebo 512 Nagasaki civilian attitudes 512 New attack mine in Sasebo 512 Boeitai youth and elderly, bamboo spears 514 Shisojima Airfield near Futsukaichi 517 Fukuoka targets 518 Weapons at Nagasaki college, Isahaya 518 Tokumu Kikan 519 Tokoka in Nagasaki 520 Ainoura Incident 520 B-29 crash, Miyazaki 521 Sasebo tokkoka 521 Kumamoto airfields 523 Najima dump 525 Mitsubishi torpedoes to Sasebo 527 Nagasaki mfg plants in tunnels 527 Tomita (Nisei from Pomona) in Sasebo 528 Tokumu Kikan officers 528 Hiu chonaikai 528 NNS article re efficient Allied Army workers, Sasebo? 529 Weapons in Hirado school 529 Militarism in schools, Hirado 530 Boys' pilot training school, Isahaya 530 Suicide craft map, most at Kawatana and Sasebo 534 Nokonoshima base 534 Naval airfields 535 Nekoyama battery, Sasebo 537 Najima power plant 538 Radar station, Hamao, Fukuoka 538 Chinese problems in Tosu 539 Fukuoka eta organization 540 Fukuoka newspapers 541 Article about Baron Shidehara 541 Hario batteries and radar sites 543 1200 bombs for mining roads! 545 1/2-mile-long caves in Saga 546 Sasebo cave radio station 546 Fukuoka Kempeitai 548 Americans not brutal, stupid people 549 Secret J-police order re pro-American feelings! 549 Death ray article 550 Yonekura sisters (Nisei), Saga 550 Korean workers at FUK-02 Koyagishima camp 551 Chemical and bio-weapons related 558 New anti-tank rocket launcher, Sasebo 561 Sasebo AA positions 562 Hiu storage area, rockets 568 Fukuoka installations, jet planes 570 Beheading of US flier near Kanoya 571 Rifles at Fukuoka school 572 Map of prisons 575 List of military hospitals 576 Fukuoka Hotel 579 Saikai Middle School activities 579 Sasebo banker and black market 580 Attitude re other Allied troops 581 Chart of Naval land forces 589 Futsukaichi and Yamae HQ staff officers 591 Zasshonokuma and Hakozaki dumps 592 Sasebo tokkoka, city org needs revision 593 Weapons at schools 594 189 tons of copper coins found 597 Chinese labor camps weapons 602 Nagasaki mayor required to be Mitsubishi employees 602 Omura school kids working at fighter plane factory 609 Precious metals on Kyushu 612 Baka bombs in caves 615 B-25 at Oita Navy Base 616 160 ships sunk in Moji Port vicinity 616 Edward Zillig, 82 yrs old 619 Midget sub and suicide craft map, Kure area 624 Sone Arsenal, Kokura 626 5th Marines give out beans and rice 629 Military training in schools 633 Shonendan and Seinendan 639 Chinese copper coins 640 Japanese under forced labor by Russians 648 Fukuoka spinning mill aircraft plant 650 Mitsubishi planes produced in college gym in Kumamoto 651 Kamikaze trained at Tamana 652 Atomic Field in Nagasaki 654 Yahata Iron Works 661 Shimizu Internment Camp internee roster; Zillig 664 Naval units map 666 Suicide boat base in Nagasaki 668 Students asking for tobacco and chewing gum in Sasebo controlled 670 Rules for Japanese re Allied Forces 670 Gold and diamonds collected 670 Civilians sent to Saganoseki POW Camp 670 Caves 673 Chinese at Manda Mine, Omuta 674 POW labor at Mitsui zinc mine 675 Kempeitai Tokko Keisatsu 676 US Forces preferred over Russians and Chinese 677 Wages due to 4th and 5th graders 678 Chevy command cars in Moji 683 Miss Funazu, English teacher 685 Cpl. Wilson takes over cutting hair at barber shop 685 Human torpedoes and suicide boats in Fukae, Beppu 689 Tokkoka and forced Korean laborers 690 French priest Roullier re Tobata POW Camp 691 Friendly relations at undokai 692 Aircraft tanks at school, Takeno, Kurume 695 Sakamoto re Kyushu POW camps 692 Helping to reconstruct Nagasaki 698 Oita regulations 698 Hashima coal mine (Gunkanjima?) 704 Saga regulations 706 Camouflaged to look like residential area (near Setaka) 710 Korean miners 711 Civilian hospital stocked by US Forces 713 Boat propelled by compressed air 719 Camouflaged to look like rice fields 720 Black Dragon Society 720 Korean Welfare Assoc. 721 Re proposed Nagasaki Atomic Memorial 722 Koreans beaten 723 Table of Chinese nationals and POW stats in Kyushu area 725 Air Defense of Nagasaki-ken 727 Tokumu Kikan, China 730 Destruction of docs 732 Stolen POW supplies maybe 736 FUK-09 camp commander Sakamoto 736 Tokumu Kikan objectives 737 Mitsubishi Probation Farm School 737 Principles of women's clubs in Yame 739 Tokumu Kikan organization chart 742 Tokumu Kikan and Prince Konoye 743 Civilians in J-military stats 748 Kokura Arsenal 752 Atrocity perpetrators 752 A-bomb caused end of war, Imari school principal 752 Renraku-bu, predecessor of Tokumu Kikan 753 Sumo wrestling 754 Chinese laborers at Nittetsu 755 Kempeitai courses 756, 759 Kendo and judo taken out of schools 760 Americans very studious 761 Kokura Arsenal 763 Torpedo and suicide boat units, training program, tactics 764 Aircraft parts at shrine and school 766 Omine POW Camp 768 Interest rates 769 Meinohama Mine 771 Mitsui Mining School 771 Plane lost near Hitoyoshi? 774 Kagoshima worst bombed prefecture in country 774 Silver cache 774 Why Japan lost battle for Philippines 776 Mishike tunnels near Kurume 779 Good info on Tokumu Kikan 781 Precious metals at Saganoseki 783 Tokumu Kikan in China 794 6th Air Army 806 30th AG suicide unit 807 Japanese airfields map 812