POWS and Internees
Execution dates set before Atom Bombs

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From JAPANESE EMPIRE IN THE TROPICS: Selected Documents and Reports of the Japanese period in Sarawak, Northwest Borneo, 1941-45. Edited by Ooi Keat Gin. Ohio University Center for International Studies, Monographs in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series No. 101, Athens, Ohio, 1998. ISBN 0-89680-199-3.

One former internee of the Kuching camp under Colonel Suga wrote "It has now been established beyond all doubt that Suga intended to 'dispose' of all prisoners on September 15th (1945). In a detailed order for the day, all people in captivity were placed in one of four categories and were to be liquated in the following manner:
1. Women, children, nuns -- to be given poisoned rice
2. Internee men and Catholic fathers to be shot and burnt
3. 500 British-American-Dutch and Australian POWS to be marched to the mountains to be shot and burnt.
4. The sick and weak left at Lintang Main Camp to be bayoneted and the entire camp destroyed by fire." p. 648

Other internees also write about the rumors and warnings they had heard about their forth-coming extermination on "the Japanese Government order to Kill them all."
(p. 613.)