Mitsushima POW Camp
American POWS
Note: Frequently called Matsushima in error.
Roster source: RG 24 Box 6; "Records relating to POWs in Japanese Camps, Saigon, Wake Island and Unknown". Handwritten list maintained by the prisoners. Deceased in BOLD
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Atkins, Leslie Milton Jr
,PFC,301320,MAR,4th H,45.07.26, cardiac beriberi heart failure 0215 hrs
Bailey, Jack Francis,CPL,261017,MAR,4th Svc
Beers, Thomas Delbert,Y1C,3928880,USN,USS Canopus
Bitner, James E [Bittner],CPL,13022508,SC,AWS Sig PD
Brown, George Estabrook Jr,LT,95383,USN,USS Sculpin SS-191
Bunn, Evan Frank,PFC,278783,MAR,4th D
Burke, Alfred John "Alf",SGT,6718582,AC,19 BG (H) 701 Ord,42.12.14,acute diarrhea; dysentery
Burns, Harold K,SSgt,6916066,DML,Phil Dept Hq
Campbell, Kenneth C,PVT,13001451,AC,24 Purs Gp 21 Purs Sqn
Carnes, John Edward,SC1C,2794038,USN,USS Mary Anne
Chavez, Raymond,PVT,20843361,CAC,200th D,43.02.16, cataarh pneumonia
Cox, Marlin Owen,AMM3C,3933618,USN
Craft, George Arnold,CPL,257560,MAR,4th H
Daly, Richard John,1 SG,20843116,CAC,515th C
Daniels, Reginald Ernest,SK1C,3930698,USN
De Boer, Arlen M,SGT,16021766,CAC,60th F
De Bord, Paul S,CPL,17003377,CAC,60th M
Denning, James Thomas,PFC,276705,MAR,4th E
Derr, Roger Glenn,PFC,35030891,CE,803rd Eng Hq,43.02.06, acute enteritis
Dobler, Herbert Eugene,WO,103333,USN
Downey, Ernest Willard,WO,80495,USN,USS Vaga
Dudley, William R,PFC,6296486,CAC,HD M&SB Hq
Eichman, Martin David,FM1C,281926,MAR,4th H
Engle, Elmer Earl,T SG,35121426,INF,192nd Tank Hq,43.06.29, dysentery & cardiac beri beri
Fancher, John W,CPL,18001819,INF
Felton, Melvin Everett,S1c,3935062,USN
Fleeman, James D,1STSGT,223419,MAR,4th A
Francis, Sherwood B,SGT,19052825,CAC,60th Hq,43.02.12, dysentery & cardiac beri beri
Ganes, Robert W,CPL,19056406,CAC,60th A
George, Pete M,PFC,278388,MAR,4th F
Ginther, Garth,PFC,6274804,AC,20 ABG 27 Mat,43.03.05, malaria & meningitis
Gordon, Albert Richard,CPL,12007158,MP,12th MP (PS)
Grabowski, Leo J,PFC,6878427,INF,808th MP (PS)
Grant, William H,PLSGT,207393,MAR,4th H
Groves, James Thomas,PFC,35100656,ORD
Grunwald, Darwin D,CPL,278368,MAR,4th 1 Bn Hq
Hall, Claude B,ASTCK,298146,MAR,4th 1 Bn Hq
Hammett, Orion Alexander,WO,113147,USN
Hawkins, Hal Woodbridge,PFC,272442,MAR,4th I
Hayes, Winfred Ordell,PFC,6931832,INF,31st Inf Hq,43.04.17, Acute enteritis Dysentery; obstruction due to injury to Thrombo??
Hegwood, Cecil C,CPL,276133,MAR,4th H
Hendrickson, Clarence H,PFC,37028042,CE,803rd Eng B,43.03.02, Dysentery Beri Beri acute nephritis (kidney failure)
Holland, Pete B,PFC,14014943,AC,27 BG (L) 48 Mat
Hollis, Frank Peter,CEM,2068913,USN
Hughes, Albert Neal,TMIC,2871034,USN,USS Canopus
Hunter, Kenneth Gilbert,SGT,18038791,CAC,60th L,43.02.15, acute colitis
Husted, Robert S,CPL,36035374,CAC,60th C
Jackson, Asa A,CPL,6248651,ORD,,43.04.18, beri beri-nephritis
Johnston, Lillard Louis Jr,CPL,274544,MAR,1st Def Bn
Keiser, Dean Elwin,CPL,273457,MAR,4th L
Kent, James Logan,PVT,279493,MAR,4th I
Kieyoomia, Joe Lee "Little Knife",CPL,38012443,CAC,200th Hq
Kirch, Raymond S,PVT,14014390,AC,27 BG (L) Hq
Krause, Gusta R,T SG,20720302,INF,194th Tank Hq,43.01.28, dysentery acute enteritis
Lamovec, Philip C,CPL,276264,MAR,4th F
Lauscher, Howard A,PVT,36204699,CAC,515th H
Lewis, Brooks B,M SG,20842380,CAC,200th Hq
Liljegreen, Leroy R,WOJG,W2101198,NO,60th Hq
Lobe, John Alex,CPL,19051950,AC,24 Purs Gp 34 Purs Sqn
Lundquist, Gerald J,SGT,37026018,INF,194th Tank Hq
Mann, William Hearne,PVT,33043704,CE,803rd Eng B
Marshall, Kenneth John,CPL,242217,MAR,4th E
Martinez, Clifford a "Smokey",PVT,18014488,CAC,59th 1 Bn
Mc Cotter, Roy Wommack,WO,196982,USN
Mc Guire, Albert C,PFC,271164,MAR,4th M
Minota, Benjamin,PVT,32109391,CE,803rd Eng Hq
Moyer, John J,PVT,33023290,CE,803rd Eng Hq
Nuttall, James A,PVT,19011570,ORD
Oleksa, John Jr,SC2C,2834229,USN
Oliver, John H,PFC,18056307,ORD,19 BG (H) 701 Ord
Ovington, Matthew,GM1C,3370846,USN,USS Canopus
Peil, George Joseph,CPL,14042451,INF,31st Inf Svc
Perry, Elbert James,WO,84949,USN
Phillips, John Paul,1 SG,6335431,AC,27 BG (L) 17 BS
Pierce, John K,PVT,19017692,INF,31st Inf H
Pilcher, Herbert H,PVT,34083086,INF,31st Inf M
Rapstain, Albert C,CPL,18042350,CAC,59th E
Ray, Wesley Parker,SGT,6998555,AC,Clark MP
Reno, William Charles Jr,CPL,20918207,AMD,194th Tank C
Reynolds, Burrel James,S2C,3001169,USN,USS Canopus
Richardson, William B,PFC,38012566,CAC,200th F,43.01.08, dysentery acute enteritis
Roberts, Albert Henry,PFC,6334878,AC,19 BG (H) Hq,43.03.03, dysentery
Romero, Jose Mike "Joe",PFC,20844186,CAC,200th A
Rose, Willard,CPL,35120569,INF
Ryan, Woodrow F,PFC,19020654,CAC,60th M
Sarracino, Santiago,CPL,38012225,CAC,200th H
Scott, James Colouitt,F2C,2684424,USN,USS Canopus
Simpson, Guerald M,CPL,6384738,SC,AWS Sig Phil Dept,43.03.28, dysentery
Skubinna, Norman Johnny,PVT,17025065,CAC,60th 2 Bn,45.04.12, Dysentery; (Story) Gordon affidavit says head injury- Japs refused treatment for brain blood clot from fall on ice at loading platform on cement detail
Skwiralski, Frank,1 SG,76417,MAR,4th Hq
Smith, Alfred Glen,PFC,20938926,INF,31st Inf 3 Bn Hq,43.03.03, dysentery
Smith, Donald Lonnie,MM1C,2682367,USN,USS Canopus
Smith, James Monroe Jr "Jake" "Jm",1 SG,20843476,CAC,200th 2 Bn Hq,42.12.21, dysentery
Smith, Salem Irvin,PFC,291574,MAR,4th D
Sorensen, Steven Michael,CBM,3206627,USN
Stanley, Abram F Jr,PFC,268089,MAR,4th I
Steele, Arvil L,SGT,6861252,AC,24 Purs Gp 3 Purs Sqn
Stephenson, David M,FM1C,296929,MAR,4th M
Sterner, Peter A,CPL,7025383,QMC
Stockton, Lewis Irvin,SC1C,3855637,USN
Stolley, Frederick T,CPL,260597,MAR,4th H
Teas, Robert Gordon,PFC,6915655,AC,19 BG (H) 93 BS,43.03.05, Beaten to death by "Glass Eye" Tsuchiya; Acute enteritis per Japanese
Tison, Thomas P,SGT,6973420,AC,27 BG (L) Hq
Treider, Melvin O,PFC,38067215,CAC,200th H
Van Wormer, Harold H,1 LT,O&736424,AC,380 BG (H) 529 BS
Vigil, Vicente P,PVT,38012221,CAC,200th C
Vitelli, James A Jr,SGT,14047690,INF,Phil Dept Hq,43.03.09, dysentery; diarrhoea
Wasson, Wayne N,PFC,38012123,CAC,200th D
Weinstein, Alfred A,MAJ,O&309027,MC,Ft McKinley Hosp
Welsh, Melvin F,CPL,36106702,CAC,515th Hq
Williams, Benjamin Marcellus,PFC,301315,MAR,4th D,43.03.17, cardiac beri beri 0800 hrs
Wirtz, Carl,PFC,301062,MAR,4th H
Zull, Irwin Lyle,SGT,226783,MAR,4th Hq